Comfort Food: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

It’s getting to be that time of year again.  Football season is in swing.  That’s good.  School has started up again.  That’s bad.  The days are bright and cool.  That’s good.  It’s darker in the mornings when I leave for work now.  That’s bad.  This post comes with a free frogurt.  That’s good.  The frogurt […]

You look like the milkman…

I’m feeling pretty old-school these days.  We bought a house that’s 150 years old.  I don’t have a microwave anymore.  My grandmother wants to give me a butter churn.  And we have a milkman. Yes, that’s right.  We have a milkman.  His name is Stan.  Stan the milkman.  I’ve never met Stan but I heart […]

“They’ve jammed the radar!”

That headline’s a reference to Spaceballs, by the way, if you didn’t recognize it.  And if you didn’t recognize it, shame on you.  Your penance shall be sitting down immediately and watching this national treasure of a film—while you’re waiting for this jam to cook down, that is. So I’ll be up front here.  I […]

Move Over Wonka

Oompa Loompa doopity doo; I’ve got a little lesson for you. Oompa Loompa doopity dee; Reading this post will make you hungry. What do you get when you put in the mix a bit of sugar and a whole lot of nibs? Make your own chocolate in one little batch. What do you think of […]

Meatballs: A Love Story

This week has been a massive failure, culinarily speaking.  I think I ate out half the week, with the exception of last night, when Josh made Kraft Mac for us for dinner because I was too lightheaded to do anything but fall asleep after a very long day at work during which I ran around […]


It’s a rare day in Michigan.  82 degrees, sunny, beautiful.  Not a raindrop, not a snowflake in sight.  Did you hear that? Sunshine.  Warm weather. Keep a snapshot of this day in your mind; it may never happen again. So I decided to celebrate in proper form.  With food on a stick. The first thing […]

It’s Peanut Butter Cookie Time! Peanut Butter Cookie Time!

Sometimes, I get the urge.  The urge to merge wet and dry ingredients.  The urge to stir. One of the reasons I cook so much is because I get easily bored and then I have to find something to do.  I have books to read, movies to watch, house to clean, dog to keep from […]

the Great Recipe Experiment: #6-Chocolate Thumbprints

You know what you shouldn’t do when baking something, especially for the first time?  Read the line in the recipe that says to place the cookie dough on “buttered or cooking parchment- lined 12- by 15-inch baking sheets” and think, “Well, I hate to butter a pan, I’ll use baking spray instead.” This is really […]

Build a Better Banana Bread

I like to look at magazines while standing in line at the grocery store.  I like to see what’s going on in the world, get an idea of the general gossip, see the current fashion trends, etc.  I admit it.  I’ve flipped through glossy pages, drawn in by the irresistible headlines splashed across the front, […]

There Will Be Brownies

This will probably be a short post, because it’s been a busy night and I’m tired but….you should make these brownies. No, really.  You should make these brownies. Everyone should have brownies like these at least once in their lives.  These are the kind of brownies that make life worth living, the kind that men […]

Apri-can: Apricot Crumbcake

I found a recipe in Cooking Light for Strawberry Jam Crumb Cake.  It just sounds scrumptious, doesn’t it?  It looks pretty good too.  I have the week off and you know I can’t go more than a few hours without getting bored and baking something.  My immediate thought was to make cookies, and then brownies, […]

It rubs the lotion on its skin: chocolate salt body scrub

Chocolate is truly the food of the gods.  You can eat it plain or with nuts, in cookies and cakes, drizzled over scones, and  melted with whipped cream on top.  You can also rub it on your skin, for various reasons (hey, whatever you do as a consenting adult in your own time is none […]

What a ferocious bark you have: chocolate pumpkin seed bark

It might be a bit of an understatement to say that I like chocolate.  In fact, I would even say that I have a love affair with chocolate.  No, it would probably be more apt to say that chocolate and I are basically the same person.  Which makes the idea of eating it a little […]

Night of the Day of the Dawn of the 28 Days of Zombieland Cupcakes

According to a super-scientific quiz on Facebook, I am well prepared for the inevitable (Inewitable!) zombie apocalypse and will survive for at least a month, probably more.  And you know why that is?  Because I watch my zombie movies.  I will even admit to seeing Zombieland twice in the theaters.  What can I say?  I […]

brownies. that’s about all i need to say.

I had difficulty committing to Brownies. Not the delicious, gooey, chocolatey dessert.  But the group–you know, kind of like kindergarten for Girl Scouts.  I joined Brownies three times in elementary school.  And I quit Brownies early three times.  It wasn’t that I didn’t like the group.  A lot of my friends were in it, and […]

Tirami-sumofdat chocolate tiramisu

So awhile ago I got another email from the POM Wonderful people asking if I’d like to try out their new line of POMx iced coffees.  Um, of course I would.  Not because I drink coffee.  Because I don’t.  Which is odd because I’m pretty sure my office is about this (–) close to digging […]

Farm Share Goodies, October 6: Our Man Jack is King of the Pumpkin Patch

I have a pumpkin. I have named him Jack.  Jack the Pumpkin King.  This has everything to do with my obsession with the Nightmare Before Christmas and absolutely nothing to do with anything normal. Jack and I met this afternoon.  I had just hefted the box containing our second-to-last (how sad!) farm share goodies onto […]

There’s a Wocket in My Pizza Pocket

You know, I tried really hard to think of a witty lead in for this blog post, but I’ve got nothing.  I blame it on Monday.  We’ll see how it goes tomorrow.  [Edit: Thankfully, Sophia saved me with a hilarious new title that you can read above.] But anyway, tonight we made calzones. Partly out […]