Lemony Snicker…doodle

These were pretty quick to make and fabulously easy, which I appreciate.  They were also very light and fluffy and soft, partially because I only had about half the granulated sugar I needed for the recipe, so I substituted powdered sugar for the other half (1 3/4 c. packed powdered sugar per 1 cup of […]

Helloooo cupcake

I’m just going to come out and say it. I’m not a baker. I am a cook.  I love to cook things.  I do not like to bake things.  I do, however, love baked things.  And sadly, sometimes the only way to get quality baked things is to bake them yourself.  So I do.  But […]

‘freddo, throw the ring!

So…I like semifreddo.  I like the word “semifreddo.”  It’s Italian for basically, “semi frozen.”  There’s many varieties of this dish but what originally got me hooked on it was a cookies and cream semifreddo from Tyler Florence, which I made Josh for Valentine’s Day. So tonight I felt like making a variation on that one, […]

About Lauren

My food philosophy: 1. You are what you eat and I want to be delicious. (Zombies deserve a good meal, too.) 2. If number one is true, then you probably want to eat real food as much as possible. Don’t be an artificial flavoring. 3. Cooking and eating should be fun and enjoyable and experimental. […]