Author Archives: Lauren

Oh Granola

Lately I’ve been making my own granola bars.  I blame Whole Foods for this development; I got the inspiration while looking through the snack recipes on their website and found one for chocolate chip granola bars.  It looked pretty simple (it IS pretty simple) and besides, I love granola bars but often they make me sick.  I tend to have bouts of reactive hypoglycemia fairly often and commercial granola bars are usually full of sugar and corn syrup which is a bad thing for me to have, and natural store-bought granola bars are pretty expensive.  So I thought, why not?  I’ll make my own.  It’ll be like the culinary equivalent of cutting down your own trees for wood.  Or something like that.

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I might be slightly obsessed.

Some women collect shoes and purses, and other women collect boyfriends or, if you’re Angelina Jolie, babies.  Me, I collect recipes.  Recipes and various information about food.  I have around 30 cookbooks and hundreds of recipes stored away inside my computer, and I spend my “leisure reading” time on books about the history of salt, the evolution of modern Spanish cuisine and the anthropology of chocolate.  When I’m not reading about food, I’m probably thinking about food, or planning food, or eating food.  My friends know about my obsession, but they let it go, because it’s delicious.  If only all addictions were as delicious and fruitful as mine.  Get it–fruitful?

I kill me.

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